Logo Solarium Optimum

About us

SOLARIUM Optimum !​


Our main activities
and Services

Solarium Optimum Inc. is a Quebec manufacturer of 3-season solariums and related products, such as carports, awnings, spa shelters, contour walls and windows for verandas and more.

The 5,000 sq. ft. showroom allows the company to present its range of manufactured products as well as a very varied range of complementary products, such as:

  • High quality patio furniture;
  • Blinds suitable for our glass roofs;
  • Fixed or retractable mosquito nets;
  • Lighting system adapted to our products;
  • Auxiliary heating system;
  • Maintenance products;
  • Ramps and balconies, etc.

The company also offers a complete range of IsoLOFT© modules, which are better known under the theme “Social distancing panels against Covid-19”. Several installations were made during the pandemic, particularly in Hospitals, including the Montreal Heart Institute, Cities, Desjardins Group, Retail Stores, Hairdressing and Aesthetics, etc.

SOLARIUM Optimum Mission

Manufacture permanent awnings and carports, 3-season solariums, verandas and high-quality spa shelters, in order to serve our customers as well as our distribution network.

Our Vision

Become the market reference in the world of solarium by serving customers keen to offer themselves a pleasant, quality place of relaxation, to share with family, friends and even work colleagues.

A Pan-Canadien Distribution Network:

The pan-Canadian distribution network of nearly twenty (20) distributors allows the company to achieve economies of scale by ensuring an attractive business volume.

Products verified by Les Produits du Québec :

Products verified by Les Produits du QuébecIn addition, it is with pride that we display the official logo “Les produits du Quebec”! 

 Certified Product of Quebec

This certification mark was issued for our solariums,
awnings, walls and carports, manufactured by SOLARIUM_Optimum.

Our Story…

  • The founders of the company began to gain experience in the world of solariums in 1986.
  • First generation (invention) of solariums was created in 1995.
  • 2005
    The company SOLARIUM Optimum Inc. was created to inaugurate the 2nd generation of solariums that we know today.
    This 2nd generation of solariums is patented, it is supported by an engineer’s seal and it complies with the National Building Code.
  • 2008
    Construction of a commercial building to increase its production capacity (surface area almost tripled).
  • 2010
    Signature of the first distributor in France and start of exporting our products overseas.
  • 2017
    Increase in surface area and purchase of the building at 1500, rue De Jaffa, Laval, in order to support its growth.
  • 2020
    Business transfer: The founders of the company withdraw, making way for Éric Bourdon and Éric Vaillancourt, who buy the company. Faced with the pandemic, the company is innovating with a new product, the IsoLOFT©, a social distancing panel against Covid-19.
  • 2021
    Rejuvenated company brand image, as well as its logo.
    Several complementary products are added to the showroom (high-end furniture, lighting system, decorative accessories, etc.).
  • 2022
    Redesign of our signs and rejuvenation of the colors of the building in order to restore the shine to the building. Our products signed SOLARIUM Optimum; solarium, awning, carport and veranda, receive the “Product of Quebec” certification mark.
Solarium Optimum Notre histoire et contactez-vous

Rejuvenated SOLARIUM Optimum building, with our new logo, refreshed colors and new illuminated signs.

Solarium Optimum stands out!

It is with pride that we share with you the recognition received for our company and its products!

Winner of Company of the Year 2022

Dunamis | 2022

What pride to share with you that SOLARIUM Optimum is the Big Winner of the Prestigious

Gala Dunamis 2022 of the Laval Chamber of Commerce and Industry by winning the Laureate of The Entreprise of the year in the INDUSTRY category!

Thank you all for believing in SOLARIUM Optimum!

Solarium Optimum, Entreprise de l'année 2022, catégorie Industrie !

Les Produits du Québec | 2022

SOLARIUM Optimum was a pioneer in obtaining our “Product of Quebec” certification mark from the creation of the non-profit organization. Les Produits du Québec.

This organization aims to recognize and promote Quebec products.

Whether it is our solariums, awnings, walls or carports, all of these products manufactured at our factory have passed the verification process of the NPO Les Produits du Québec. It is with pride that we display the official logo of this recognition.


Finalist at the contest

Dunamis | 2022

We are proud to announce that Solarium Optimum is among the finalists in two (2) categories of the Dunamis competition, Startup under 5 years old and Industrial sector

Dunamis is a competition aimed at highlighting and encouraging businesses and entrepreneurs who stand out for their involvement and contribution to the development of the Laval business community.

Press release

: https://ccilaval.ca/blog/2022/06/28/devoilement-des-finalistes-du-concours-dunamis-2022/

Recipient of a Fund C grant

Desjardins Entreprises | 2020

As part of the Grand Mouvement Fund, Desjardins has established Fund C, which is a financial assistance program aimed at supporting various growth projects for SMEs. A much appreciated recognition.

Fond C

SME Prize Winner

Banque Nationale | 2011

SOLARIUM Optimum won the regional GOLD Winner, PE category, as part of the business recognition program, National Bank SME Prize, for the sectors of Laval-North and Western Quebec, Laurentides, Lanaudière, Abitibi Témiscaminque and Outaouais.

Among all the regional Gold winners, the jury chose three provincial winners (gold, silver and bronze) per category. Solarium Optimum and its three co-owners, Martial Therrien, Jim Barbosa and André Martin, would like to thank all of its employees, customers, dealers, suppliers as well as the National Bank for their dedication over the last 5 years.

Summary description of the program:

National Bank is proud to recognize the excellence of its business clients with the SME AWARDS. Thus, it pays tribute to businesses for their contribution to the prosperity and well-being of communities.

  • Eligibility criteria
  • Be a customer of the National Bank
  • Have your main place of business in Quebec
  • Show revenue within one of the category ranges
  • Not having won a provincial Gold distinction in the last three years
  • Selection criteria


    • Involvement in the community
    • Management quality
    • Selection process
Prix PME Banque Nationale

Selection criteria

Regional selection

In each of the regions defined by the National Bank of Quebec, an independent jury awarded the gold, silver and bronze prizes in three categories: SME, Small business and Agricultural SME.

Provincial selection

Through all the regional Gold winners (SME, Small Business and Agricultural SME categories) and the six finalists in the Exporting SME category, the jury chooses three provincial winners (gold, silver and bronze) per category.